POV: knee deep in the shit storm of self-exploration (and why you should pursue it)

It's not really a shit storm. But there is resistance to be found, that much is true! And some uncomfortable feelings and realizations. I'm a firm believer that we should lean into our uncomfortabilities, and force ourselves headfirst into our fears. This is where growth takes place. The more we try to divulge our true … Continue reading POV: knee deep in the shit storm of self-exploration (and why you should pursue it)

Dinner & accommodation in Mallorca for 6 euro

After spending the night curled up in the backseat of the car because it was too dark when I arrived to find somewhere to put up my tent, I woke with the sun and found a tranquil place for a nudie dip. Then I drove to the next town and walked along the coastline to … Continue reading Dinner & accommodation in Mallorca for 6 euro